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Due to the continued spread of COVID-19, we will schedule all appointments via
phone or video conference until further notice.
(720) 432-2221
Scanning with your Phone
Tips for Success
Put your document on a flat surface that contrasts with your document. This will help the scanner find the edges.
Make sure there is good light on your document.
Try not to cast a shadow on it while you scan (though your device will clean up some shadows).
- Hold your phone as straight above your document as possible.
- Avoid capturing your document at an angle, which will cause some parts of it to appear larger than others.
- You can do this with your document flat on a table or propped up on a flat surface to help avoid shadows. Just make sure the document stays flat.
- Take the photo from far enough away so the entire document is in the frame.
- Some scanning apps will automatically crop scanned documents for you. If not, you can manually crop the image after you take the photo.
iPhone & iPad
1. Open the Notes OR Files app on your iPhone or iPad.
These apps come with the device. You don´t have to download them.
In the Files app, if you want to save your scanned documents in a folder within your Files app, tap on it.
2. Tap on the menu icon (looks like three dots in a circle), then tap on "Scan" or "Scan Documents."
3. Hold your device over your document (see tips above).
The default setting is "Auto," which means the app will automatically create an image.
We recommend the "Manual" setting because it gives you more control. Tap the word "Auto" in the upper right corner, and it will switch to "Manual."
The blue or yellow area of the screen shows you what the app will scan. If you are in the Manual setting, it is easier to adjust the corners after you take the picture.
4. The image will go to the bottom left corner of your screen.
Tap on it to preview it. If it has shadows on it, part of the document is cut off, or the document is not clearly readable, tap "Retake" in the top left corner.
You can also crop and make other changes to the image from this screen.
5. If your document has multiple pages, scan the rest of the pages before saving.
When you have scanned all pages, tap "Save" in the bottom right corner. This will create one multi-page document.
6. Give your document a name. Here are some common names:
Marriage certificate
Birth certificate, Carol
Passport, John expires 2035
Taxes 2022
Support letter, Amy Smith
7. Send us your documents.
Check out our video instructions on how to share documents with us in your Client Portal.
Email is a less secure way to share your documents, but if you are comfortable using email, you may send your documents to ksr@accimm.com and laura@accimm.com. It is best to include both Katharine and Laura on your emails.
1. Open the Google Drive app on your Android device.
This app comes with the device. You don´t have to download it.
Make sure you are signed in to your Google Drive account.
If you want to save your scanned documents in a folder within your Google Drive app, tap on it.
2. Tap the plus "+" in the bottom right corner.
Select "Scan."
You might need to allow access to your camera.
3. Hold your device over your document (see tips above), then take a photo.
The next screen will ask if you want to use the photo. Tap OK or ✓ to keep it.
Google Drive will automatically crop and adjust the color.
You can ​also manually adjust the cropping and the color.
4. If your document has multiple pages, tap the plus "+" icon again and scan each page before saving.
When you have scanned all pages, tap "Save" in the bottom right corner.
6. Give your document a name. Here are some common names:
Marriage certificate
Birth certificate, Carol
Passport, John expires 2035
Taxes 2022
Support letter, Amy Smith
7. Send us your documents.
Check out our video instructions on how to share documents with us in your Client Portal.
Email is a less secure way to share your documents, but if you are comfortable using email, you may send your documents to ksr@accimm.com and laura@accimm.com. It is best to include both Katharine and Laura on your emails.