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(720) 432-2221
Access Immigration is OPEN.
Due to the continued spread of COVID-19, we will schedule all appointments via
phone or video conference until further notice.
Overcome Obstacles with
Waivers & Exceptions
Navigating the complexities of U.S. immigration law demands expert guidance, especially when you are facing inadmissibility issues. As an immigration firm committed to assisting individuals in overcoming these obstacles, we are here to offer the necessary expertise and support.
Every immigration case is unique, and this is especially true when it comes to seeking a waiver or exception from a ground of ineligibility. If you qualify for a waiver or exception, we can help you present your case in the strongest terms to have the best chance of success.

What Are Immigration Waivers of Inadmissibility?
Whether you are seeking a change of immigration status or a visa to enter the United States, you may be ineligible of the government decides you are "inadmissible." You may be found inadmissible for a variety of reasons, such as past immigration violations, criminal convictions, or health-related issues. However, in certain cases, individuals deemed inadmissible may have the opportunity to apply for a waiver. If the waiver is approved, the government will approve the initial immigration application, despite your inadmissibility.
Types of Immigration Waivers
Several types of waivers exist to address specific grounds of inadmissibility. Here are the most common:
1. Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility, Form I-601: This broad waiver is designed to overcome a variety of grounds of inadmissibility, such as unlawful presence, immigration fraud or misrepresentation, criminal convictions, and more. It requires proving extreme hardship to a qualifying U.S. relative.
2. Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver, Form I-601A: This narrow waiver is available only to certain relatives of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who plan to apply for an immigrant visa and are inadmissible only because they have been unlawfully present in the United States. It also requires proving extreme hardship to a qualifying U.S. relative.
3. Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal, Form I-212: This waiver allows individuals previously removed or deported to seek permission to reapply to enter to the United States.
What Is the Difference Between Waivers and Exceptions?
Waivers and exceptions are both legal ways to get around certain barriers to obtaining a visa, permanent residency, or citizenship.
A waiver is a request made to forgive or overlook certain issues that would typically prevent someone from entering or remaining in the United States. On the other hand, an exception is a specific provision in the law that allows someone to be excused from meeting a particular requirement.
For example, applicants for permanent residency ordinarily must demonstrate that they will not become a "public charge," meaning someone who is primarily dependent on government services. Certain categories of applicants are exempt from this requirement, however. One common example is VAWA applicants, individuals applying based on their having been abused by their U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, parent, or child.
Both waivers and exceptions can play a crucial role in navigating immigration challenges, but they work very differently in practice. It is important to know whether your case depends on a successful waiver application (which is discretionary and requires you to convince the immigration officer that you both qualify and also deserve approval) or an exception (which is not discretionary as long as you can show you meet the requirements).
How Access Immigration Can Assist You
At Access Immigration, we are experienced in helping our clients navigate the complexities of immigration waivers and exceptions. Here’s how we can support you:
1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Attorney Katharine Speer Rosenthal will assess your circumstances, identify any grounds of inadmissibility that apply to you, and determine the most appropriate waiver strategy for your situation.
2. Thorough Documentation and Application Preparation: We will help you craft your story and guide you through collecting the necessary documentation. Then we will meticulously prepare your waiver application to maximize the likelihood of success.
3. Legal Advocacy and Representation: From submitting the strongest waiver application possible to communicating with you while your application is pending and representing you at your immigration interviews or hearings, we will advocate on your behalf, ensuring your case is presented convincingly and that you are well informed at every step in the process.
Optimizing Your Waiver Application
A waiver application add complexity and uncertainty to an already stressful experience. Navigating an immigration process that includes a waiver demands meticulous attention to detail and a thorough understanding of immigration law. Our commitment is to provide diligent support, personalized guidance, and expert representation throughout your waiver application journey.
Contact Me
If you or a loved one is facing inadmissibility issues that you think may require a waiver, do not hesitate to reach out. Schedule a consultation today, and let’s work together to explore the best strategy for your unique circumstances.
Thank you for considering our services to guide you through this critical process.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The process of requesting an immigration waiver is complex and can vary greatly based on individual circumstances. Consultation with a qualified immigration attorney is recommended for personalized guidance.